Growing up, I had always been excited about moving. I mean, I love adventure and the sense of doing something new; including experiencing a new environment/life seemed like just what I would always want. Don't mind me, I was just a child . It wasn't even enough, that I had these wild imaginations; Reading books broaden it all the more. I got to know how Americans( I was exposed to small American literature books at the time) packed their property in boxes; boxes they had gotten from the stores in their town and how they would stack these boxes with their property which they hoped to carry over to their new home. Well, this is not a lesson on how to train your children to have a wild imagination, like my parents did, you can however learn from that too😄😄but we would be having a conversation on tips to look out for on your next House Hunting journey. Many times, people talk about the big things, when dealing with Hou